United Nations International Day of Peace | 2020 Theme Shaping Peace Together | un.org/peaceday
Exclusive Poem – International Day of Peace 2020 – U.N.O theme: Shaping Peace Together – Strengthening Ideals of Peace –Non-violence – Battle against the tireless Virus COVID-19 – Thrown our world into turmoil – Impact people on the Planet everywhere. United Nations 75th anniversary, 2020 – A year of Listening and Learning
world environment day 2020 Theme campaign – Know the best and the most popular day (5 June) of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Time for Nature – Engage governments, celebrities and citizens to focus and educate on environmental issues in word, deed and action to curb Zoonotic Transmission of infectious disease from animals to humans. Subscribe to worldpeacepoetry for official video songs on Peacepoetry All you need to is to press the BELL ICON next to the subscribe button Stay tuned for latest government updates!!
U.N.O – International Day of Peace poetry 21 September 2019 | My ClimateAction for PeaceDay U.N.O – Climate Action for peace International Day of Peace poetry | 21 September 2019 “With ideals to strengthen peace within and in all nations and people across the world as part of commemorating the U.N. International Day of Peace 2019 on 21st September, on the theme through PeaceDay and ClimateAction so as to draw attention to the importance of combatting climate change as a way to protect, promote and project universal peace”. It is PeaceDay and ClimateAction and we are celebrating it with a message-oriented PeaceDay and ClimateAction poem to educate and promote Universal Peace for UN International Day of Peace 2019 by Dr. Ashok Chakravarthy Tholana.
world environment day 5 June 2019 theme and slogan. Beat Air Pollution | U.N.Os World Environment Day is #celebrate on the 5th of June every year. Let us be a part in this endeavor to encourage awareness amongst us for the protection of our environment and planet earth.
International Day of Peace United Nations 2018 | A peace poem exclusively meant to commemorate International Day of Peace with an objective to promote Universal Peace and Brotherhood
World Environment Day 2018 | To promote the UNOs cause of protecting World Environment, 5 June is designated as World Environment Day. To commemorate this, an exclusive poem on this year’s theme is composed to promote the concept of Environment Protection.
FOR WORLD PEACE | International Day of Peace (A poem to commemorate -21st September 2016 )
Abode of Universal Peace | UNOs – INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE – 2015 – To uphold the Flag of Peace and Universal Brotherhood. To promote, project and protect the concept of love-together and live-together in a harmonious universal family with ever-new delights.
World Environment Day’ (WED) | Each year, the United Nations Environment Programme aims at stabilizing the well-being of humanity, the environment and the functioning of economy through its programme titled, ‘World Environment Day’ (WED), scheduled on 5th June. In commemoration of the 2015 WED theme “Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care”, I partake to promote the same by way of a poetic presentation video. Yes, Let us think! Human prosperity need not cost the earth.
THE FRUITS OF PEACE | A poem in commemoration of U.N.Os INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE on 21 September
#WED2013 A PERILOUS IMPACT, (A Poem for UNEP’s World Environment Day 2013) – “I just entered to win an amazing trip to blog for UNEP’s World Environment Day 2013. Read my blog post about the impact of food waste and be inspired to reduce your foodprint.” SUPPORT THE CAUSE OF UNEPs WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY 2013 on the THEME – THINK. EAT. SAVE – REDUCE YOUR FOODPRINT. With a poem, titled, A PERILOUS IMPACT ; I just entered to win an amazing trip to blog for UNEP’s World Environment Day 2013. Read my blog post about the impact of food waste and be inspired to reduce your foodprint and not only support me but also the genuine cause of UNEP.
Delhi rape victim Awake oh human | A Poem on Delhi incident So sad, so bad, so shameful, so distressful, so unbelievable, so regretful … which should never ever
WORLD INTERFAITH HARMONY WEEK | To promote Culture of Peace with the principle of Spirit of Love to firm-up the concept of Love of God – Love of Neighbor which would pave a way for Universal Brotherhood and Universal Peace
Awake oh human | A Poem on Delhi incident So sad, so bad, so shameful, so distressful, so unbelievable, so regretful … which should never ever recur again
U.N.O’S International Day of Peace – 2012 The Garland of Peace
THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE | Comparison of Bermuda Triangle with Human Love
CARE NOW FOR THEIR TOMORROW | (A poem in commemoration of Global Harmony Association’s 7th Anniversary Celebrated on 15th February)
NATURE, AND WE UNEP’S World Environment Day 2012 | United Nation’s Environment Program (UNEP)