Poem CHOOSING A RIGHTEOUS PATH translated and rendered in Urdu by AYUB KHAWAR, Writer, Director, Poet and Translator who is presently the Head of Project Mazaqraat at DUNYA NEWS, Lahore, PAKISTAN. He, was a Former Senior Executive Producer (Dramatic Production) at Geo TV and has also worked for Pakistan Television Corporation
Poem translated to Spanish and published in the September-October, 2020 issue of the prestigious international Magazine, PLUMA Y TINTERO -REVISTA LITERARIA published bi-monthly from Madrid, SPAIN
Translation of Peace Poem from English into Spanish and published in the Bi-monthly magazine, PEN AND INKWELL (Revista Literatio – artistic), SPAIN in the July – August, 2020 issue
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Una Citacon La Cultura, MEXICO chose me as one of THE GREATEST POETS IN THE WORLD with its partner #UtopiaPoetica and translated my poem “AWAKEN OUR WIT” to Spanish(by Ana Leon Fdez) language
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Translation of Peace Poem from English into Spanish and published in the International Anthology – LETRAS DEL MUNDO POR LA PAZ, BOLIVIA, South America
Digital International Poetry Anthology "VOICES OF THE WORLD" - 2020
Introduction of poet | Matter for Certificate | A Spiritual Insight | Trust is Such a Bond
Sociedad Internacional De Poetas Escritores Y Artistas (S.I.P.E.A)
Cochabamba, BOLIVIA, SOUTH AMERICA, selected and translated two poems into Spanish and included them in the Digital International Poetry Anthology "VOICES OF THE WORLD" - 2020
Certificate issued by the Sociedad Internacional De Poetas Escritores Y Artistas (S.I.P.E.A) Cochabamba, BOLIVIA, SOUTH AMERICA for my valued contribution to the Poetry Anthology "VOICES OF THE WORLD - 2020 "
Antología Internacional Digital